EPISODE 7: The Mother Wound
Feb 07, 2024Hello, and welcome back to another episode of "Ease into Clarity." I'm your host, Dr. Divi. Today marks the culmination of our exploration into the feminine. We've traversed topics such as the fear of the feminine and its absence, leading us to our final discussion on a profound aspect: the Mother Wound.
As I reflect on this complex facet of our lives, I'd like to share my personal journey and insights. The Mother Wound is a topic that, for many, strikes a deep chord. It challenges the conventional portrayal of mothers as unconditionally loving and nurturing figures. In reality, our experiences might differ significantly.
Acknowledge the Pain
It all begins with acknowledging the wounds we carry. I've had to confront feelings of hurt, abandonment, or rejection that stemmed from interactions with my mother. Admitting these feelings, albeit uncomfortable, was the crucial first step towards understanding and addressing the pain.
Embracing Unconditional Love
Healing required connecting with an energy of unconditional love that transcends human relationships. For me, this connection began by associating such love with non-human entities, like animals or nature. Recognizing that unconditional love exists beyond our human bonds was a pivotal realization.
Forgiveness and Healing
By acknowledging my significance in the universe and embracing forgiveness, I initiated a transformative journey toward healing.
My guidance stems from personal experiences and professional expertise. I've learned that healing the Mother Wound is an individual's responsibility. Our mothers cannot mend or heal these wounds for us. Instead, it's about embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing.
Remember, healing the Mother Wound might be challenging, but it's a transformative path toward personal growth and understanding. It's reclaiming our narrative and finding solace and clarity within ourselves.