Intensives for Private Groups   

Do you have a group of friends or co workers or enemies who want to go deeper in their Spiritual & Emotional Journey?

Are you all ready to release, shift and evolve? 

Intensives are one of the BEST ways to achieve  breakthroughs!

Groups are a great way to facilitate healing, learn about yourself and experience miracles!


  • A Miracle is a Shift in Perception
  • When we see other people shift we heal
  • The Law of One - really is we are all the same!
  • Groups allow us to feel connected and not alone
  • The support and unconditional love is so present!
  • And so much more!!

Some results you will experience from an intensive are:

  • You will see each other's points of view from a place of deep heartfelt
  • You will be able to carry a much more open heart, regardless of the
  • You will know that this relationship was needed for your Spiritual,
    Emotional and Mental development
  • You will feel empowered in that relationship
  • You will know that nothing went “wrong” as it was a huge part of your
    personal journey
  • You will feel leave with new skills, tools and techniques on how to approach those daily fights and arguments
  • You will be able to co-exist, if you choose to, with much more flow
  • Your Mind, Body and Soul will deepen in its healing

What happens during an intensive?

The intensive is a beautiful way to work deeper! 



Each person in the group meets with Dr. Divi for a private 30 minute consult. This is not mandatory. 


This consists of one 4-hour or 8-hour session, including breaks, lunch, and down time. During these deep dives, Dr. Divi will use her intuition to work with each of you individually, while the other observes, and then together. This in-person work is deeply cathartic and healing, it requires our deep presence. During this time, it is highly recommended to avoid distractions and chemicals such as alcohol and drugs so that we can truly integrate the work.


This occurs 2-3 weeks post event. In this zoom call, we all re connect as a group and check in how everyone is, go deeper in our healing and lift each other up. 

An Intensive Is For You If...

  • You are ready to truly thrive
  • You may feel stuck and are ready to shift
  • You know there is hope and are ready to do the work
  • You dream of living a purposeful life
  • You know its possible and are ready to move past your blocks

A bit about my process & your experience...

You may have read or watched some of the testimonials, but you may seem puzzled by "what is going to happen" during this intensive workshop. Hopefully this will answer your questions:

I work as a professional intuitive and using intuition, I will guide you out of whatever is blocking you. What the heck does that mean?  You will meet me in person (if we haven't met already!) and I am a 5'6" Indian woman. When I work this identity falls away and the energy enters my body and takes over the workshop.

You may have heard of Abraham Hicks. Esther Hicks channels an energy she calls Abraham. 

Similarly, when I teach workshops the woman you know as Divi, steps out of the way to allow the energy to enter and the entire workshop will be lead by that energy. My name Divi is a Sanskrit word which means Divinity. So, for the purpose of my events, I say that I "allow the Divinity" to enter me and provide me the messages for YOU.

Each person receives the messages differently, and the words that are chosen, how they are spoken, weather I use cuss words or not, is all determined by that energy. 

That energy I call "the Divinity" connects with YOUR Higher Self and gives me the messages of love to give to you. Through this process, the workshop will be lead seamlessly and you will get direct guidance for exactly where you are RIGHT NOW.


Are you feeling the pull & want to submit an application form?


If you are ready to take the next step and sign up for an intensive with Dr. Divi, please fill out the application below!

Application Form



4 Hours $1,799

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8 Hours $2,999

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