Inner Wisdom Workshop

Date: Saturday, October 26th

Time: 10am - 6pm PST

Location: 225 West 8th Ave, Vancouver, BC

Meals: Lunch & snacks are included

Everyone who attends a Dr. Divi workshop does so because an area of their life is not working: Health, Relationship, Money and more.

Most of us have heard of the concepts: "You create your own reality" & "We have 40000 to 60000 thoughts a day",

Our thoughts conscious & subconscious create our experience.

People  come to a Dr. Divi event because they want to:

- Identify the thoughts subconscious thoughts 

- Heal the thoughts 

- Heal the body

- Internalize the new thoughts

- Experience Miracles 

A miracle is a SHIFT in perception.

Are you ready to experience miracles? 

Join me! 



Are you ready for a day of miracles, revelations, and deep insights?

What you will experience:

When I work, I "channel" energies of love.

At times, I may bring in your deceased relatives & other energies of love to help heal your pain.

The energy that shows up the most is the Divine Mother in her various forms.

When you experience her energy, this is what you will experience:

  • Incredible intuitive insights
  • Ability to access your MAGIC
  • Deeper compassion for yourself & others 
  • A reverence for yourself in your human form
  • A feeling of support from our Guides & the Universe
  • Stepping out of the mind of figuring things out to the heart of love.
  • If needed, permission to embrace anger to push you out of powerless


All of us have our thought systems wired in the "victim triangle". 

Think about it:

In every encounter/relationship dynamic you are in one of the three corners of a triangle:

the victim, the bully or the hero.

You can be in multiple corners of this triangle for the same topic.

You can also be in that triangle in your mind for yourself!


I want to weigh myself: I step on the scale and gain ten pounds  -  (I feel like the victim)

Then I think: You shouldn't have eaten that ice cream (i am now the bully

Then I think: I'll go to the gym tomorrow (I am now the hero)



By the end of the workshop, you will perceive a DIFFERENT way to approach your situation that is NOT in the victim triangle!

What would YOUR life be like if you were not the victim or the bully or the hero? How freeing is that?



What Divi's Clients Have to Say

"If you haven't attended a workshop with Dr. Divi yet, be ready to leave forever changed. Dr. Divi works with Divine healing energy that accesses the deepest and darkest parts of you that are ready to be healed. The work Dr. Divi does will create LASTING changes within you as a person and in your relationships with people, money, your career, family...everything! I never miss out on a workshop with Dr. Divi when I can attend."

- Sarah            


Dr. Divi's Workshop

Saturday, October 26th




(includes lunch)


Watch these testimonial videos to learn more about Dr. Divi's impact on her clients


Dr. Divi's Workshops

Vancouver and Mexico 2024